2021 Archive

Thursday 9th December 2021 - Autumn Cup Trophy

We met at the Niton Library where Nick Henry kindly judged the competition with accumulated scores for three images. This was the first time since February 2020 we have had a 'live' Judge!

There was an outright winner (!) but the rest of the scores were quite close going down the list. This system worked well and people mentioned that it was a good way of finding an outright winner.

Nick Henry presented Tracey with the Autumn Cup Trophy. Well done Tracey!

1st - Tracey
Row row row your boat

Underground overground

The Hide Way

2nd - Sue C
Busy Bee

I'm Watching You

Water Gardens

3rd - Mike
Me and My Girl

Mirror Image

Pedal Power

Thursday 25th November 2021 - Woodland Walk Review

The Club met to review and discuss the pictures taken on the Woodland Walk in October. The dull conditions that day made it difficult to capture any vibrant colours but everyone managed to finish up with some creative work.

Tracey and Paul L produced some vibrant ferns with some editing. Keith found some people to add interest, Don got up very close to a tree 'monster' and Mike and Norma also did some 'work' to produce a unique image.

by Tracey

by Mike

by Paul L

by Don

by Keith

by Norma

Thursday 11th November 2021 - 'On the Street' and Open Competition

The club welcomed Trevor Prince to judge the two sections and 14 members viewed the competition on Zoom. Congratulations to the two winners Tracey and Keith. This is Keith’s first win and also special mention to Liz F who was 3rd in her first Niton competition. Well done both!

STREET: 1st. Island Life by Tracey

2nd. Never too old for Ice Cream by Don

3rd. Stool Pigeons by Keith

OPEN: 1st. Baker Street by Keith

2nd. Sunset Surf by Tracey

3rd. French Country Style by Liz F

Thursday 28th October 2021 - Woodland Wanderings

The Club met at 10:30am and then wandered off into Firestone Copse to do some woodland photography. After a couple of hours we all departed to The Woodman's Arms for a well earned lunch....and chat!

Thursday 16th September 2021

The club held the first meeting in Niton Library since February 2020 and we had a good attendance to enjoy chatting and looking at 'Summer' photos. Patricia took this cute picture of her Daughter's dog, Mike has been plane spotting (again) and Shani went to Bembridge windmill.

Paul made the draw for the 'Pot Luck' letters. You will need to photograph 1 or 2 things that are very obvious – with a title of 'C is for CAT' for example. This competition is on 27th January 2022– so plenty of time!

Wednesday 11th August 2021 - Weald and Downland Museum

The Club visited the Weald and Downland Museum (home of BBC Repair Shop) and enjoyed a very interesting day with lots of craft being demonstrated. Norma had a go at making a willow Magic Wand...and Club mascot 'Boris' enjoyed the tea and cakes.

Thursday 29th July 2021 - Tea Party at Sue and Don's

The weather was very kind to us and there were a lot of Happy Snappers all around the garden taking photos. Hopefully of some flowers and pond life! Refreshments followed with some scrummy home made cakes and flapjacks.

Tuesday 27th July 2021 - SCPF PDI League Finals

At the end of every League season the highest scoring image from each Club in all 7 divisions goes forward to be Judged at the Annual Finals Day. This year, Niton's top scoring image was Sue's 'Pen & Ink' and this was judged alongside the other 60+ top images.

The Judge held back just 17 of these and then the top 3 were given Gold, Silver and Bronze. The remaining 14 were rated Highly Commended and Commended. Well done Sue!

Pen and Ink by Sue B

Thursday 1st July 2021 - Carisbrooke Castle Visit

Club members were able to visit Carisbrooke Castle after the public had left thanks to Keith who works there and was trusted with the keys to lock up when we left.
It was a wonderful opportunity to take many photographs without having to wait for people to move out of the way. At 7pm most of us went to The 8 Bells in Carisbrooke for supper, and a lot of chatting.

Thursday 20th May 2021 - Spring Challenge

Giles Barkley judged the last competition of the season - the Spring Challenge. We had 54 entries, with a variety of subjects covered. At the end he awarded three maximum 10's - to a seal, paintbrush and a beetroot! Such a mix to pick the winner from!

A Day on the Beach

1st. A Day on the Beach by Liz

2nd. Swirling Brush by Sue B

3rd Beetroot Moon by Don

Thursday 20th May 2021 - Coffee Morning

The Club met for coffee at Joe's Bar in Niton for our first face to face meeting since last year! We all enjoyed a good catch up and warm coffee...luckily the rain held off! What a joy to meet together again!

We presented Tracey with the Chairman's Shield that she won on 6th May.

Liz was presented with the Spring Cup trophy for her beautiful winning image of a seal taken on her recent trip to Norfolk.

Thursday 6th May 2021 - AGM and Chairman's Shield

About 14 members joined the zoom meeting for the AGM. Paul B then judged the 48 images that were entered into the Chairman’s Shield. 9 images were held back and 4 images were awarded the full 10/10. Tracey swept the board with all three top images. Well done Tracey!

1st. Dreamy View

2nd. Forget me not

3rd. Sunset Crab Man

Thursday 22nd April 2021 - Editing challenge

Members had to submit an edited photo chosen from a selection provided.

14 members Zoomed in to discuss the 'Edit' Challenge – we had 27 very different pictures to look at. Although some of the original pictures had been chosen by several members – the final edited results were very individual! Here are three samples:

Paisley – Paul B getting very abstract!

Mixer Yard by Steve – who created a very 'painting by numbers' effect

Reflected Huts – Tracey managed to create a whole lake in front of the beach huts!

Wednesday 21st April 2021 - Jack Skeel Trophy

This is usually a monochrome print club competition, but this year due to social restrictions, it was projected images judged by Peter Rocchiccioli. Each club submitted 10 images, a maximum of 3 from any one member. There is a winning club and one overall image winner.

The scores across all clubs were close - ranging from 82 for IWPS who came first to 74. Niton were not far behind scoring the same as Wight Balance, 80.5, however because Wight Balance scored a 10, Niton was placed 4th overall. The winning image for the competition was 'Watchbell Lane - Ghost Walk' by Michael Wort.

Thursday 8th April 2021 - 'Lockdown' and Open Competition

The Club welcomed Suzannah Jordan from Southampton Camera Club to Judge the two sections. Her constructive advice and humour helped to make this a very enjoyable evening and everyone who attended agreed that they had ALL learnt something and seen how to improve images with some very simple changes.

LOCKDOWN: 1st. All Alone by Lindsay

2nd. Partnership by Lindsay

3rd. Lockdown by Paul L

3rd. Trapped by Don

OPEN: 1st. Carousel by Paul B

2nd. Eyelashes by Don

3. Photoshop Fantasy by Paul L

Thursday 25th March 2021 - 4 Way competition

We joined a large Zoom meeting (50+) for the 4-Way competition with Otley, Cleethorpes and Kidderminster. We had chosen 15 different images from the last 4-way meeting and had used some newer images from this year.

We did come 4th (last!) but scored much better than last time and in fact we were only 4 marks behind Cleethorpes Club – so a positive result in that respect! Very well done to Tracey and Paul L for scoring our two maximum 20’s.

Thursday 11th March 2021 - Favourite Photo

The Club met via Zoom to discuss 'My favourite Photo'. Members has been asked to look through their archives to choose two photos that had special meaning to them.

The chosen photos were very varied and included personal memories of special holidays or even family weddings, with the Member sometimes in the photo. Others chose very old photos that were important in their photography journey – a first attempt at restoring a 'vintage' photo or trying out new software for the first time.

The whole evening was very interesting as each member explained their choices, and asked if the Club could run the evening again next season.

The Ancestors

Human Connect


Thursday 25th February 2021 - 'Food' and Open themed competitions

The zoom meeting was well attended and we welcomed Keith as a new member.
The votes for the Open and Food competitions had all been added up from the voting on the website and the 'Top 6' in each section already decided by the Members.

Paul B agreed to also Judge all the images as if it was a competition and give critique along the way. This proved very interesting as some images that may have been overlooked at first grew in appeal once Paul pointed out the skill and work that had gone into creating the photo.

'Food' - Members' Choice
1st. Orange by Tracey

2nd. Beetroot Triptych
by Barbara

3rd. Time for Coffee
by Loretta

Food - Judges 10/10s
Dinner by Candlelight
by Paul L

Beetroot Triptych
by Barbara

Five a day Flowers
by Shani

Deconstructed Pear
by Tracey

Kitchen Tools
by Paul L

Open - Members' Choice
1st. Sparrowhawk
by Barbara

2nd. Tiger Heart
by Tracey

3rd. Chrysanthemum
by Tracey

Open - Judge's 10/10s
by Barbara

Jar Ferry
by Steve

Ice World
by Paul L

Thursday 11th February 2021 - SCPF League

Tony Oliver from Salisbury was the judge for this round of league 6 of the SCPF. Each club in the league hosts a round and this time it was Niton's turn. We were joined on zoom by members of several of the other clubs.

Each club has 8 photographs that they have put forward to represent their club and the same 8 photographs are judged in each round.

Thursday 28th January 2021 - 'Odd Things' Talk

Dianne Seddon ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE3* from Cleethorpes Camera Club gave an enlightening talk using Zoom discussing daring to be different with our photography. She encouraged us to be creative, shoot the unusual and not worry about what anyone else thinks, including the judges. She showed her own photographs and discussed the inspiration for them and how she achieved her vision.

We were joined by guests from other photography clubs and I think we all came away inspired! Diane's work can be seen at www.dseddonphoto.co.uk

Thursday 14th January 2021 - Yarmouth and Sunset Competition

We had a fun and chatty Zoom where we all 'discussed' each entry from the 2 sections. The score sheets were then projected and we tried to remember which ones we had voted for!!

Well done to Sue C for a runaway win in the Yarmouth section by 16 points with a lovely photo which totally captured Yarmouth in full Summer swing. She told us all that it was taken in 2019 from the steam ship 'Waverley' when it docked at the Pier.

Tracey ran away with the Sunset section with the top two places in a much closer competition. Thanks to all who entered and voted.

1st. Pier and Town
by Sue C

2nd. Storm on the Mainland
by Barbara

3rd. Pier by Mike

1st. Sky on Fire
by Tracey

2nd. Calming Rays
by Tracey

3rd. Embers
by Paul B