
Thursday 26th September 2024 - Summer Outings Images

At our first meeting of the new season a nearly full-house of members reviewed the images taken on our four summer outings and watched an AV compilation of these events. We also viewed the 8 shots selected to represent Niton in division 6 of the League. A draw was made to assign members their 'Pot Luck' genres ready for the meeting on 7 November.

Tracey was presented with the trophy for the Spring Cup competition which she won with her atmospheric mono shot of sheep beside a derelict barn on a trip to Wales.

Thursday 15th August 2024 - Visit to Wight Military and Heritage Museum

Our final summer outing was to the Military Museum at Northwood. The museum houses an amazing (and photogenic) collection of militaria of all eras and we were treated to an enlightening demonstration of (de-activated!) weapons by a very knowledgeable volunteer. We ended a fascinating visit by enjoying a tasty lunch in 'Churchills Tearoom'.

Saturday 13th July 2024 - Grand Tour of St Helens and Bembridge

Our July outing took in the causeway across the tidal mill lagoons and St Helens Duver where we stopped for a refreshing cup of coffee. This was followed by a lunch stop at (what used to be) the Toll Gate Café in Bembridge.

The majority of our members (including the four-legged variety) made it to the eastern extremity of the Island and had a magical time  watching the white-tailed eagles doing their thing. We then gamboled across the dunes in the sunshine to explore the photo-opportunities afforded by the view from the sea-wall.

Thursday 20th June 2024 - Outing to the Wild West

The Club's June outing was to Dimbola in Freshwater where members heard a very interesting talk about the famous early photographer Julia Margaret Cameron who lived there. We then went around the galleries where her work was on display along with a contemporary experimental exhibition. We all ended up on the terrace for tea and cakes in the sunshine.

We moved on to Farringford, once the home of Alfred Lord Tennyson. His house and gardens have been fully restored and we were able to wander around the spectacular gardens and have a guided tour of the house.

Sunday 26th May 2024 - SCPF Finals Day

'Finals Day' is a celebration of the best imagery within the SCPF league. The image with the highest cumulative score from the Division rounds for each club is eligible to compete. For Niton this was Tracey's 'Fruit of Passion' so this was entered on her behalf and competed with the winners of each club in all 8 Divisions. Niton was in the 7th division and has been promoted to the 6th for next season.

Tracey's super image was one of only 6 awarded a 'Highly Commended' certificate.

Well done Tracey and well done Niton!

Wednesday 15th May 2024 - Outing to Milestones Museum

A minibus full of members and friends spent an entertaining awayday at the Milestones Living History Museum in Basingstoke. We wandered round a network of streets recreated to reflect the last two centuries of life in Hampshire with immersive exhibits including vintage vehicles and period shops. There were great photo opportunities around every corner. We arrived back home that evening, tired but happy.

Thursday 2nd May 2024 - Chairman's Cup Competition

Members met at the Library for the final meeting of this season; the AGM and the Chairman’s Cup. The competition was in 3 sections, Open Colour, Open Mono and Summer. We had 39 entries which were appraised by Paul and when the scores were aggregated, Sue C was the winner with her shots of a trick cyclist, Exbury and Calbourne Mill.

A very happy Sue received the trophy from Paul.

Thursday 18th April 2024 - Spring Cup Competition

We held our annual Spring Cup Competition on Zoom and Maria Leekblade of Lymington CC appraised the 42 entries in her usual friendly and informative style. Tracey came first with her atmospheric mono shot of sheep beside a derelict barn from a recent trip to Wales. Don was second with his study of a father and son walking through a puddle and Sue B was third with 'Neon Water' taken at the 'blue hour' in Southampton Harbour.

Thursday 4th April 2024 - Wildlife Night

To start the evening, Paul presented Graham with the 'new' Hasselblad Trophy; a competition for members of all IW photography clubs. He won with his amazing 'Keepy Uppy Robin' image.

We then reviewed and discussed the 31 wildlife images which members had submitted. There was a good selection of subjects - with only 2 Red Squirrel shots! After the break we viewed some stunning shots from a wildlife professional with a huge range of birds, bears, badgers and other mammals.

20240404 Wildlife

Thursday 21st March 2024 - 'Mono' and Open Competition

The Club held a two part competition evening appraised in inimitable style by judge Nick Henry. The 'Mono' section attracted 34 entries and was won by Tracey with her beautiful soft image of a chrysanthemum bloom. Second was Graham with his slow shutter-speed image of Ventnor beach and Sue B was third with an ICM shot of Winter Silver Birch trees.

In the Open section there were just 20 entries. This was won by Sue B with 'Soft and Subtle', another slow shutter image of waves. Steve's beautiful Spring image of 'Catkin Alley' was second and Sue C was third with 'Inside Carlisle Cathedral'. Such different images!

Thursday 7th March 2024 - Mono Instructional Evening and Steamer Images

In two weeks' time the Club will hold a Monochrome set-subject competition and we therefore ran an instructional session showing some excellent 'how-to-do-it' videos. These caused a lot of discussion on the techniques shown. In the second half of the meeting we critiqued images taken at the recent lunch and photo challenge at The Steamer on Shanklin seafront.

Thursday 22nd February 2024 - 'After Dark' and Open Competition

There was a really good turnout in the library on a dreadful wet February evening for a competition appraised by Ian Pratt from the Ryde Focus Club. The Open section was won Graham with his clever image of a moonlit squirrel, 2nd was Shani with her fabulous Argentinian glacial landscape and Tracey 3rd with her minimal image of cormorants.

The second part of the evening was the set subject 'After Dark'. This was also won by Graham with Ventnor fireworks, 2nd was Ali with her shot of the 'Pepperpot' and 3rd was Steve with Ventnor at twilight; all very atmospheric!

Thursday 8th February 2024 - SCPF PDI Competition

Members from the other clubs in SCPF Digital Image League Division 7 joined Niton on Zoom for our home fixture. Gordon Brown was the judge in this penultimate fixture of the year's competition.

And yes, it was another fine result for Niton with a clear 1st place by two points! Graham's 'Weaver Bird Sewing' scored 10 and Mike's crow on a fence 'On My Own' scored 9.5.

Thursday 1st February 2024 - Evening Photo-Shoot at Ventnor

A hardy group of members armed with cameras and tripods braved the cold weather to capture images of Ventnor front after dark. The promenade was picturesque but almost totally deserted. A select few of us lingered in the Spyglass and enjoyed some warming comfort food. The images are by Steve and Norma.

Thursday 25th January 2024 - 'Table Top' and Open Competition

We met for the first competition of 2024 and welcomed Robert Mowatt from the Focus - Ryde Imaging Group as our judge for the evening. In the Open section of 30 images he awarded Graham 1st place with his Common Blue Butterflies, 2nd was Shani with her dramatic glacial landscape and 3rd Tracey with Sydney Opera house at twilight.

The second part of the evening was the 'Table Top' section where innovation and imagination was needed to 'create' something. In 1st place was Tracey with her still life of Blueberries, 2nd was Elizabeth with her beautiful leaf and pebble on a glass table and 3rd was Graham with table top memories of Africa.

Thursday 11th January 2024 - Welcome Back Lunch at The Steamer Inn and Photo Challenge

We welcomed the New Year on a cold but sunny January day at Shanklin. After roaming the seafront for an hour taking photos for the challenge in the categories 'Seaside in Winter', and 'Close Up' we retired to the warmth of the Steamer Inn for a convivial lunch and more photos 'At the Pub'.

Thursday 14th December 2023 - Mix and Match Challenge

There was a good turnout for the annual Ladies vs Gents Mix n Match Challenge. Carol Walker (from IWPS) was a splendidly impartial judge and we had an entertaining evening with plenty of audience participation.

Once again, and for the third year running, the gents triumphed...but only by 2.5 points this time. It was mainly their matches which scored well with a couple of spectacular examples that helped put them 10 points ahead by half time...before they fizzled somewhat in the latter stages.

Wednesday 6th December 2023 - Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival

Many thanks to Paul and Shani for putting together the N&DCC display at the Brighstone Christmas Tree Festival

Thursday 23rd November 2023 - Autumn Cup Trophy

We were joined in the Library by Jon Mitchell from Gosport who judged the 42 images in the Autumn Cup, our last competition of the year. He was chatty and constructive and was keen to point out the use of a polarising filter in bright conditions to help retain colour and details.

He held back 15 of the images for further review and then decided on his top 3. This resulted in a clean sweep for the ladies. Sue B's 'Tranquility' and 'Morning in the Beechwood' were 1st and 2nd. Tracey came 3rd with 'Old Jars'.

At the end of the evening, Jon presented a delighted Sue with the Autumn Cup Trophy.

Thursday 26th October 2023 - 'Old' and Open Competition

The club met via Zoom and Steve Kirkby judged the two sections with 28 images in each. 

In the set subject 'Old', Keith won with his beautiful study of 'Old Converse', Trevor was second with an atmospheric 'old' image of Corfe Castle and Tracey was third with her still life of 'Work Day Done'.

In the Open section, Don won with his capture of three figures waiting at King's Cross. Graham was second with his study of a Male Stonechat and Tracey third with her 'Ghost Ship'.

Thursday 12th October 2023 - The Flickr Group and Book/Song Challenge

Keith gave a fascinating presentation on the Club's private Flickr Group which has been running successfully since May last year. Members can upload two photos per month and are encouraged to critique each others images.

Following coffee and biscuits we had a fun competition with submitted photos representing a song or book. Shani was most successful at guessing the titles. Keith and Tracey stumped everyone with their images depicting respectively: 'Just One Look' by The Hollies and 'Man in the Mirror' by Michael Jackson.

Thursday 28th September 2023 - Open Images and some from the Club's Summer Outings

We split into two groups and discussed each of the 28 Open images. Nine were 'held back' and then each group chose their 10/10 and winner. It ended up as a two way tie between Tracey's 'Old jars' and Sue B's tranquil yacht! Here are also three of the held back images; Paul's landscape, Keith's atmospheric black and white and Elizabeth's dog walker in a sandstorm!

Thursday 14th September 2023 - Images from Older Times

The Club held the first meeting of the new season and we reviewed the 'Old' images that members had sent in. Steve really impressed with his 2 images which also included a photo of the cameras that he had used all those years ago!

Steephill Cove was taken in the 1950's with his first camera and the Britten-Norman Cushioncraft CC2-003 was taken at Bembridge (near the old station and the Royal Spithead Hotel) in 1963...fascinating!

Please see the Archive page for older news